Elevator Installer and Repairer Interview

The interview is the last step of the recruitment process. You will graded on the interview with a 70% as a passing grade. This grade will be averaged with your test grade to give you a ranking. The higher you are ranked the better chances you have in landing a better apprenticeship. Employers chose those from higher tiers in the ranking first. Make sure you are prepared for both the placement test the interview and learn about the types of questions to expect. Let’s learn more about the NEIEP interview questions and answers.

When Will I Hear about My Interview?

Only candidates that pass the aptitude test with a grade of at least a 70 will be asked to come in for an interview. When you receive your passing grade you will get the interview request with it.

What Will Be the Format of the Interview?

The interview will be conducted by a committee of at least two members of the Joint Apprentice Committee (JAC). One of the interviewers will be an employer, the other a member of the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC).

How Long Will the Interview Be?

The interview will take between 15-20 minutes. That being said, the interviewers will ensure that there is ample time to cover each of the grading areas required.

What Will Be the Format of the Interview?

The committee will have your application, transcript, and proof of age in front of them as they score your interview. They will give a brief introduction of who they are and some background about themselves.

What Type of Questions Will Be Asked?

The committee will try to find out as much as they can about the applicant's ability to excel in the apprenticeship. They will ask about work experience, school performance, motivation, and mechanical ability. Each applicant will be asked the same question and all answers are written down in the candidate’s file.

How Is the Interview Scored?

A 70% is considered a passing grade on the interview. If you do not receive a ranking score you can re-apply for the next round. Applicants will be put into 4 tiers based on their combined test and interview score. The average of the two scores becomes your interview score.

You will find a 4-tier ranking system that finalizes your score.

  • Tier 1:     96–100 points
  • Tier 2:     90–95 points
  • Tier 3:     80–89 points
  • Tier 4:     70–79 points

These scores are then put into rankings and sent to employers. The higher you rank the more likely you will be chosen to be a paid apprentice by an employer.

What Happens If You Are Not Chosen for a Apprenticeship?

During the next application period notices will be sent to applicants who have previously been interviewed and ranked, giving them of the opportunity to re-interview. All qualified applicants that remain from the previous ranking list will automatically be carried forward on the new ranking list and slotted in wherever their score places them for a period of up to two years from the original placement date. You can be removed from the list by notifying them or failing to respond to an apprentice opening.

How Does the Apprenticeship Placement Process Work?

It is not enough to just pass the interview and elevator aptitude test it is important that you excel. The placement process differs from that of a regular job. There is a specific ranking order of how placement occurs:

  1. According to program policy unemployed apprentices will be placed before the new recruits.
  2. Employers will choos apprentices according to their rankings starting with tier one. Once, tier 1 candidates are exhausted they will move in descending order from tier two to four.

How Will I Know If My Application Was Rejected?

All the scoring will be done by the JAC. If you do not pass the requirements you will be notified by certified mail of your rejection. The JAC requests a return receipt that you received the rejection. You may reapply the following recruitment period.

Will I Need to Pass a Drug Test as Part of the Application Process?

Those applicants who are matched with employers will be required to pass a drug test. The drug test will usually be paid for by the employer.

Do I Need to Complete a Medical Exam?

It is extremely likely that you will need to submit a post hire medical form.