Elevator Aptitude Test (6)

About & FAQ's

This site is here to give you a comprehensive overview on how to start your career as an Elevator Installer and Repairer. We outline all the steps needed to apply to your Elevator Constructor Apprenticeship and tips on how to excel. This is an extremely lucrative career for path for those who want to work in the trade industry. As the payout is big, the acceptance rate is not easy. One of the biggest hurdles is the Elevator Industry Aptitude test. Learn more about the test and how to prepare.

Elevator Industry Aptitude Test (EIAT) Preparation

Once you submit your application and you meet the minimum application requirements you will be be given your testing information. It is extremely important that you prepare in advance for this test because if you don’t get at least a 70% you will not pass on to the interview. Your grade on the test will factor into your overall ranking. Employers will try to recruit those with a high ranking first. You can practice for this test using this recommended Elevator Industry Aptitude Test practice pack. Let’s learn some more about the exam.

Elevator Installer and Repairer Interview

The interview is the last step of the recruitment process. You will graded on the interview with a 70% as a passing grade. This grade will be averaged with your test grade to give you a ranking. The higher you are ranked the better chances you have in landing a better apprenticeship. Employers chose those from higher tiers in the ranking first. Make sure you are prepared for both the placement test the interview and learn about the types of questions to expect. Let’s learn more about the NEIEP interview questions and answers.

Study Guides for Elevator Technician Apprentice

We have compiled some helpful study guides, practice tests, and other resources (PDF). Access free sample NEIAT aptitude test questions with answers. Take the time to look through these helpful guides for the elevator mechanic apprenticeship entrance exam. It is integral that you score well on your entrance test so you rank high and get placed with an apprenticeship. Remember that average elevator technician pay is $79,480. That is one of the highest stradesman paychecks.

Local Elevator Union

Visit the locations page to contact the IUEC Local Area Coordinator for your region in order to find the application which makes the most sense for you. Read our guides: Elevator Installer and Repairer Apprentice Application Process Elevator Industry Aptitude Test (EIAT) Preparation Union Location…

Elevator Installer and Repairer Apprentice Application Process

If you are looking to work in the trade industry starting an apprenticeship in elevator construction is the path to take. Those tradesman who contract, install and repair elevators are some of the highest paid professionals who work in the trade field. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is the trade market to go into. The amount of elevators being installed each year are increasing incrementally, and maintaining existing elevators is continuous work. That being said, you can’t just grab your tool belt and start working on elevators. There is a lot of risk involved and you must be properly trained. We are here to outline for you how to become an elevator construction apprentice.